Rules and Regualations
Phone-(831)633-5186 / Fax-(831)633-5188
Rules and Regulations
1. Burial rights to Cemetery lots may be purchased from an authorized representative of the Board of Trustees of the Castroville Cemetery District located on the Cemetery property. Upon such payment in full a Certification of Burial Rights will be issued to the purchaser.
2. All charges for an interment must be paid in full, during business hours of the preceding business day before the Cemetery District can render any services.
3. An approved vault, concrete box, liner or metal receptacle shall be used in every interment.
4. Cremation can take place in a cremation lot or in a Niche (no more than two per niche). Cremations are allowed on a single burial lot (limit of six (6) cremations) and/or in a child’s lot (limit three (3) cremations per child’s lot), and have one marker per grave.
5. Request to open a grave site must be given by a family member or a representative from the funeral home at least two full business day preceding Burial.
6. No opening or closing of a grave site or the placement of any Marker shall be made by anyone except employees of the Cemetery District or those authorized by the Board of Trustees to perform such work.
7. Headstones or Marker need to be placed flush with the surface of the ground. An approved flower container must be placed flush with the surface of the ground, except in areas specifically designated for upright Markers. All headstones and markers should have a concrete foundation of three (3) inches wide on all sides, except where the flower vases are located. On the flower vases side, the border is eight (8) inches wide. No more than two (2) flower vases on a grass marker. Two ½ inch holds to hold solar lights with in the foundation, two dowels (rods) are needed on upright markers. All headstones or markers have to be approved by District Manager. Anyone installing headstones or markers has to call or stop by the office to check with the district manager if date and time of installation is available. No trees are allowed in the lot. Flowering plants are only allowed on the lot with curbing (borders), but no higher than 24 inches. Plants need to be trimmed and cleaned. Ornaments and decorations are allowed for five days, which are Holidays and Birthdays. If Ornaments and Decorations are not removed by the fifth day everything will be tossed in the garbage and a cleaning fee will be assessed. No plastic, wire nor provisional curbing (borders) are allowed, everything has to be approve by the Board Members of the Cemetery. No curbing (borders) permanent or temporally are allowed in lots purchase after 11/9/2015 any were in the Cemetery
8. BLOCK’S I, II, III, IV - Single and double depth Graves Markers shall be no larger than 30” x 22” x 4”. Side to side or multiple Grave Markers shall be no larger than 50” X 19” X 4”. Curbing is not allowed on any lots purchase after 11/9/2015.
BLOCK V - Upright Markers only. All markers need to be 24” in Height and the foundation need to be 42”l x 20”w x4” h per grave and 54”l x 20”w x4” for a side to side grave. No curbing, plants, or trees are allowed on these lots. Only fresh cut and artificial flowers in their vase will be allowed. A total of 7 solar lights are allowed in proper holes within foundation or on flower vases per grave.
BLOCK VI - All grass Markers are three (3) inches thick. Single Markers may not be more than 28” X 16”. Side to side Graves Markers may not be more than 36” X 18”. No curbing and plants are allowed on these lots. Only fresh cut and artificial flowers will be allowed. A total of 7 solar lights are allowed in proper holes within foundation or on flower vases per grave.
NICHES - A maximum of two (2) cremations per Niche and one 10” x 6” bronze marker per Niche is allowed.
9. The Manager is responsible for entering any and all lots or spaces and to remove any objects or material that may have been placed thereon.
10. No dogs, pets or animals except service Dogs will be permitted on the Cemetery grounds.
11. The schedule for interment is as follows: Services will not begin before 9AM or after 2:00PM an additional fee will be added for overtime on interments including Saturday, Sunday or Holidays. An interment may take place upon the payment of the surcharge fixed by the Board of Trustees. There will be an additional charge for a Saturday opening in order to have it ready for a Monday burial.
12. The Board of Trustees shall set size, sale price of the Grave Sites, cost of opening and closing and disinterment. Any additional information with reference thereon can be provided upon inquiry from the District Manager.
13. The Board of Trustees reserve the right to change the rules and regulations or amend them at any time the occasion arises.
14. The Castroville Cemetery District will pay 100% of the original price for any lot sold back to the District. There is no refund on the Endowment Care Fund charges.
15. No lot shall be transferred to anyone without the consent of the Board of Trustees. The only transfers allowed are between family members. A transfer fee will be charged for all lot transfers. Documentation must be presented to prove relationship to family members.
Ground Rules:
1. A temporary Marker may be placed on a Grave at the time of the burial for a period of sixty (60) days. This allows for the planning of a permanent Grave Marker. All temporary Markers will be removed after sixty (60) days.
2. To place a suitable Permanent Grave Marker an application must to be submitted to the Cemetery Manager. The Cemetery District regulates and controls the size, shape and materials to be used. After written approval for the Grave Marker has been granted the permission for the work to commence will be given. All work must be performed by a Licensed Contractor. All fees will be paid directly to the contractor.
3. Any unauthorized installations, including statues, crosses, headstones, will be removed immediately by the District and the persons involved will be liable for the costs of removal.
4. It is not permitted to alter, move, enlarge, lower, raise, add to, or paint, any installations already in place. Broken or damaged work may be replaced or repaired only upon authorization of the Cemetery District.
5. No more than one (1) floral display will be allowed, unless suitable containers have been placed in the Markers.
6. All flowers, except those on new graves will be removed from the grounds on mowing days. Flowers on the new Graves will be left for three (3) days.
7. Artificial flowers will be removed on mowing days unless they are in approved containers.
8. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be our normal mowing days. Should it be necessary to mow on other days, the Cemetery Personnel will try to go around the fresh flowers.
9. No person or persons shall place or pour gravel, rocks, cement, casting plaster, wax or metal of any type in vases, cans or flower containers. Glass is not allowed any were on the Cemetery ground due to damage to mowing equipment and hazardous Cemetery Personnel.
10. A non-resident person is one who was not a Resident or Taxpayer of the Cemetery District at the time of the person’s death. Article IV Eligibility-Public Cemetery Districts section 8893.
Any questions regarding these Rules and Regulations please contact the Cemetery District Office located in Moss Landing, CA.